Digital Creator

How to grow your email list using your podcast

September 18, 2024 Dylan Schmidt Season 1 Episode 214

Welcome to this week’s episode of Digital Creator!

In this episode, I’m talking about:

  • Why adding more "value" to your opt-in might be killing your email list growth (and the counterintuitive approach that's working
  • The easiest way to make your listeners say "I need this episode now" (even if you're reading iOS terms and conditions)
  • How to use the "Curiosity Gap Technique" to turn casual listeners into die-hard fans and email subscribers
  • And much more!

This episode is made possible because of:

Speaker 1:

okay if you are tuned into my newsletter. Well, this is going to be like an extended audio version of that, because I can't pass up this topic on the podcast. It'd be doing me and you a disservice. I stumbled upon a strategy that is so simple yet so effective. It will make you say why didn't I think of that Happened to me sitting on the couch last night.

Speaker 1:

I open up X I wanted to say Twitter and I see Sam Parr, who started I think it was the Hustle. I believe it was called an email newsletter thing, like a daily email newsletter or something like that Sold it for a whole lot of money to HubSpot. These days, all I know is he has a podcast called my First Million. He more recently started a podcast called Money Wise, and he also. What else does he do? He also has a private community called Hampton, which is for like businesses that are doing millions and millions of dollars. I have a client in there. That's all I really know, other than I mean, I don't even follow him. He just popped up on the feed and it caught my eye because I was like, oh my God, this is so good and I immediately have to share this with you. So he posted a little tweezer teaser video. Tweezer video. He posted a teaser video and nothing crazy, it's just something that's building anticipation for an episode that's coming out and it just says Mr Ballin pod coming out soon. So pumped. Now I don't know who Mr Ballin is, but I'm smart enough to gather that it's the person that's in the video. And it's just talking about a podcast that's coming out soon and it has a link there. So you click the link on the social media post. I didn't even watch the video at first, went back and watched it later to make sure I didn't miss anything there. But it's just a simple teaser video, something you know, like a clip from the episode where it kind of hooks you like oh, what is he going to say?

Speaker 1:

The link takes you to a simple landing page that has this layout structure. Now, I know you're listening to this, so I'm going to give you the visual breakdown and even if you caught this in the newsletter, you might have not caught some nuances that I'm going to be sharing here. It has the headline which, in the case of this landing page, it says how Mr Baldwin Turned Sp stories into a multimillion dollar media empire. Now, if you're in the creator club. There are templates. There's talk about, you know, headlines. This is a fantastic headline that I could just spend the rest of the episode breaking down how Mr Ballin turned spooky stories into a multimillion dollar media empire. That creates a curiosity gap. Right that headline does. Below that is the sub headline, which is like the promise of what you're going to get, which is pretty much why you're there and I'm going to read it to you.

Speaker 1:

It says be among the first to dive into an exclusive pre-release of the latest episode of my First Million, featuring the one and only John B Allen, better known as Mr Ballin. Uncover the meticulous process behind his captivating YouTube videos, explore how he overcame the challenges of building a media empire and much more. And then a button that says listen before anyone else and a picture on the right side almost like it must be like a YouTube thumbnail, although it doesn't say that, but it just shows like he was a Navy SEAL. And then now he's a viral TikTok storyteller and that's it. So you click the button listen before anyone else, and then a pop up comes up and it says enter your email and you'll get the goods. And you'll get the goods. Simple as that you enter your email address and then you get a success page that says you know, here's the episode before anyone else and there's the video right there below that is says like other popular episodes. So there was like two videos that also show good episodes. So this is super cool because if you are a listener of the podcast my First Million, then you're now on their email list, which you might have not previously been, because you're like, yeah, I want to listen to this episode. I listened to all the episodes and now I get to listen to an episode early because I look forward to this podcast.

Speaker 1:

If you're not a listener of my First Million, well, you find yourself there. It's the only way to listen to this episode that you're now intrigued about. So you can't go anywhere else to hear the episode. You've got to enter your email address to get the information that you're super curious about, and you might be thinking like, well, can I just get this information anywhere? You're not thinking about that. You're thinking about give me the thing that I want, right? So that's why you would enter your email address.

Speaker 1:

Now what will, in this case, sam Par, my first million? What will they do with the email address after they get it. I don't know, I have not been in their whole email funnel strategy long enough to tell you what they're going to do, but I did get a confirmation email after I signed up that said like hey, here's a link to the episode. You can listen to it anytime right here. Cool, super simple. They didn't try to sell me anything. They didn't try to, you know, get me to listen to all the other episodes. It was just simply you want the thing, I got the thing. Give me your email address and I'll send you the thing and then I'll email you the thing. That's it. Now, later on, that's that's another topic of like follow up and nurturing that whole thing, but at a simple, high level. That's what it is.

Speaker 1:

Why I think this works is exclusivity. You can only get it here. Curiosity, like what is this guy going to say? That's going to blow my mind, and also this is you know. Again ties back to the exclusivity thing, like what's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

And then easy action. I don't need to go download a new app, I don't need to figure out how to sync it to anything Like. I literally just put in my email address and I get the thing, and it's very simple to understand. I don't have to do any homework. They're not filling it with. Like here's a podcast episode and an 18 page PDF download on how you can implement this strategy in your own business. Like that is maybe perceived as more valuable to the person that's making it, but it might not be perceived as more valuable to the person consuming it. You know what I mean. Like it's an easy action. Like I'm just listening to the episode. I don't, I don't need too much right now. Right, I just want the episode. Just give me the thing Now.

Speaker 1:

If you're thinking also like hey, dylan, this is awesome, but I don't have someone like Mr Ballin on my podcast. I don't have a celebrity. Like I said, I don't even know who Mr Ballin is. I know nothing about this guy. I'm not as much curious in that episode content as I was in the strategy that was being implemented. But this would work across the board. Like I would enter my name and email for early access to an episode, whether or not I've ever heard the podcast before, simply if the content within the teaser, within the copy that I'm seeing on the page, is relevant and intriguing to me and it's the same for your audience, like you could be reading the terms and conditions to iOS 18, if you make it sound interesting enough, right, in a way that your audience is intrigued and wants to know more of.

Speaker 1:

And the whole point of doing this is you're creating a win-win situation. Your listeners, new or old, get exclusive content and then you get their email address which you can use to develop your relationship with them. Now, if you don't have an email address, really simple to set up, I could talk about that in a future episode or we could talk about it in the Creator Club. It's nothing crazy. Like, just sign up with ConvertKit, start sending emails before you know it. Really easy to collect. There's not a lot of tech pieces involved.

Speaker 1:

Like, really, you're just posting a teaser on social media and you don't have to follow this exactly. There's a teaser video that Sam Parr posted, but does it have to be a teaser video? No, could be anything that creates the intrigue. Right, the video is just one format, but it could be multiple formats on how you do this. So, yeah, you just post that on social media with a link to early access. You have a landing page with the opt-in form and then you have the success page that shows the episode and links to other popular episodes.

Speaker 1:

Now where I will see people go wrong with this already I can tell you like I can tell you like I know where people will mess this up. I'll tell you right now I'll get ahead of the mess ups. The mess ups will be. There's not enough intrigue built from social media to the landing page and on the landing page the copy will not be written well enough that makes someone want to opt in. It needs to be something that people really want. They don't want your episode, they want the information that your episode is going to give them.

Speaker 1:

So don't focus on just the early. That's like a little benefit of getting you know is getting the episode early. That's like part of it, like, oh, you're going to get this early before anyone else. But really it's episode content and you'll notice that you know. And if you're not in my newsletter, you can just go to Dylan Schmidtcom and sign up for it and you can also see this article where I have screenshots of the page.

Speaker 1:

But if you'll look and study at the landing page that my first million, sanpar is using, here the emphasis is not just on the exclusivity of, like, early listening, it's on how Mr Ballin turned spooky stories into a multimillion dollar media empire. The headline, the copy on that page, is what's doing the work here, right? It's not just I'm saying it like the 18th time, it's not just the pre-release right, that's a benefit. And the button there is like you're listening before anyone else, creates that urgency because you want to be the first to hear it. There's something interesting. There's something like ah, I need to be the first right. That plays into the psychology of like wanting to get it. But it's really about how Mr Pollan turned spooky stories into a multimillion dollar media empire. It's not promising you anything other than you get to listen before anyone else, but it is super interesting to me because it's so simple. It's so simple Now.

Speaker 1:

Have I implemented the strategy? No, I haven't. Would I like to implement the strategy in the future? Yes, I would, and I could see myself already like wanting to add in more to it, because I'm like oh, someone wouldn't just want the podcast episode. I need to make a notion doc along with it, to make a companion part to the episode. That's what they really want. Not really, not really Like. That's not the case, right, and I would love to be disproved. I'd love to disprove myself and I would love for you, if you implemented a strategy like this, to not add in other stuff, to just start with the episode being the thing that they're getting, like early listen.

Speaker 1:

And if you test that out for a few times, not meaning just like, don't just do this once and say like ah, it didn't work as well as I thought it would. You have to do it a few times to like really know, and you don't have to do it for every episode. You could do it for every five episodes or something. Right, it's up to you on the frequency of what you're going to do it, but I wouldn't make any big you know conclusions on just doing it once. Kind of get some data with.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, maybe it would be better if I added in like a quick little companion piece. Now, one way I could see adding in a companion piece again not saying I think it's not wise to do this in the first, like level one, meaning just do the episode early release episode. That'd be like level one. Level two to me is like like also get this companion thing just like a bonus companion piece. You want to make it like a bit of a no brainer right, and to me it's not totally a no brainer, listening for everyone else.

Speaker 1:

But I think that's overanalyzing it, because ideally you don't need to make anything else. You've already made the episode, you've already made the teaser, and it just becomes too much work to add in other things. But how cool would it be too is like here's a one page summary too of the episode, of something like that, so that you're really focused on consumption and people taking the gold nuggets from the episode, and that would be a cool addition. But I don't think it's a good idea to put that in version one, because why do something if it doesn't move the needle? And you know it just causes more work. The idea here is to not do more work, it's to do less work with higher results, right? So I hope you found this whole thing as cool as I did.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, to just kind of recap, if you want to implement the strategy, this would be your homework. Number one plan your next big podcast episode that you want to do this with. Number two create a teaser that'll make your audience interested. Use the format to your advantage, whether that's video text, an image, an infographic, whatever it is. Number three set up a simple landing page with an email opt-in and number four watch your email list and podcast. Grow faster and your community get closer. I'll catch you in the next one.

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