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Be Their Favorite Episode: How To Excel at Guest Podcasting
June 20, 2023
Be Their Favorite Episode: How To Excel at Guest Podcasting
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In this episode, I’m sharing some considerations that I believe all guests should keep in mind when appearing on podcasts.

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Digital Creator with Dylan Schmidt

Want to be invited as a guest on more podcasts? Simple, be a great podcast guest! In this episode, I’m sharing some considerations that I believe all guests should keep in mind when appearing on podcasts.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

• The Importance of guest etiquette.

• How you can prepare yourself for a great podcast interview.

• What you can do after each episode that will take you seconds but dramatically increase your chances of being invited on more episodes.

• And much more!


Full transcript and show notes

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00:00 - Show & Episode Introduction

01:21 - Do Your Research

03:00 - Be Prepared

04:47 - Be Engaging

06:38 - Closing Thoughts & Next Steps



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My name is Dylan Schmidt and you're listening to Digital Podcaster. Welcome. Thanks for being here. Let's talk about podcast guesting. This is a subject I don't cover enough on this.After being a guest on a lot of podcasts and also having a lot of people on my podcast,I've kind of distilled what I think, in my opinion, makes a great guest and how It's kind of like etiquette, I guess.This is going to be a tongue twister.Best-guessing etiquette.But really how you can excel at being a podcast guest,which does a couple of things for you.Like the results you would get from this is,one, getting invited back to the podcast that you're on.Two, getting invited to more podcasts to appear on,which will help you grow your own podcast or your own platform, whatever you're doing.And then three, just growing your network.Like when you are awesome on a podcast episode,you will stand out in that person's mind, I promise,because not all podcast guests are created equal.If you've had guests on your podcast,you know this already to be true.So kind of go through this list with me with just the open mind and implement it, really.That's my wish. (laughs)If you come on my podcast, especially,or if I'm coming on your podcast, this is what I hope to do.So first off, one of the parts of being a good podcast guest is simply doing your research.A lot of podcasts guests will just kind of pop in,not really know what they're getting into.And as a guest, you can do yourself just a big favor of like knowing the dynamics of a show.So you could do your research by listening to at least two or three episodes before you go on.Just knowing the general kind of vibe of a show,you will stand out more on that show.the hosts will love it because you'll go in just with a familiarity.Also, one of the biggest compliments you can give to a podcast host that you're going on and you don't need to worry about sounding like a total fan and that you shouldn't be there,is just simply saying like you've listened to their podcast and that you enjoy it.Because podcasting is kind of strange in the sense that there's not a big comment section,there's not a direct feedback loop built in,like you do get with other platforms,actually saying the words, if it's a virtual or in-person,saying the words that you've listened to their podcast episode goes along ways, I've noticed.When someone says it to me, I'm like,"Oh, that feels awesome."Makes me feel seen, makes me feel heard.And I've noticed when I say it to podcast hosts,there's just this sense of like, "Oh, awesome."Like I don't have to guess if you know kind of the rundown of how things are.I don't have to guess of, you know what the show's,the flow is just gonna be like, what the vibe is like.And that just puts the host at ease and you just in a better position to be awesome.Second is be prepared.These are just the basics of like showing up on time,having had tested your internet, if it's a virtual podcast or like knowing where you're gonna park,just the simple things set up before you go there.If you had a podcast booking agency, or maybe you do,But if you had one and you don't have one,you have a good one,they're gonna give you a bunch of information beforehand.Like if it was in person,they would tell you exactly like,you need to be here at this time.This is what the building's like.This is the parking situation.They might even walk in with you,depending on how nice of a PR kind of setup you got.So you gotta do that on your own if you're not, you know, if you don't have that service.So something to think about though,that professionalism of showing up early,showing up, you know, not on time, but just a little bit early and, and having everything you need, like just showing to make that just regular on how you do things. If it's virtual,you know, make sure that your internet's all good. Make test your mic before you even go on there. So you can just hop in, let the podcast you're on, you know, not have to worry about what you're doing, let them just get in the flow. So also have some type of idea of what you're going to be talking about on the episode.As a guest, it's not unreasonable to ask the podcast that you're going to be appearing on for whatever you need to make yourself feel more comfortable.Don't let yourself be like,"Oh, they haven't given me anything."I don't know what I'm going into."As a guest, just put it on you,put it on your responsibility that if you need something before you show up to the podcast, ask for it.You know, it's not unreasonable to ask like,"What topics will we be covering?why do you want to have me on your podcast,all that kind of stuff, if it's not clear already.Another thing is be engaging.This goes for podcast hosts,but as guests, the same applies.Give your focus, kind of be prepared a little bit.This kind of goes on the preparation thing.You can be engaged most when you kind of set the boundaries around, if it's a virtual interview,setting aside that time,not having interruptions as much as you can.Whatever you need, really,The boundaries you need to set in place to be engaging,that's really important.Another is just being professional.If you go on a podcast and they're not the type of show to curse,then don't curse.If you go on a podcast and they're not professional,but you are, maybe you don't wanna go on that podcast.You don't need to go on that podcast.Go on what you feel comfortable with.And that is gonna require some boundary settings.After the episode takes place, so after you record,I think it's a good idea to send a quick email,especially if you beat them to the punch,this is a good one,but just send them a quick email saying like,"Hey, thank you so much for having me on your show.That was a lot of fun."Some podcasts will do that.Some podcasts won't, and it doesn't really matter,but just a simple follow-up with the host.It's just a nice thank you gesture that goes a long ways.And it's just another thing that will stand out in their mind.I personally come through with like,Let's just treat everyone on an even playing field.I don't know how anyone can help me,but I'm not saying a follow-up thank you,like now give me X.It's just like a simple humankind thing.Thank you.Because as a guest, if you're not a podcast host,there's a lot that goes into podcasting,from the editing to the recording to the scripting.It's a lot of time and money that goes into it.So it's just a lot of work.Just a little kind of recognition and gratitude just goes a long ways.I'll just say that.So a quick follow-up after the episode.So just to recap real quick what we talked about here.Number one, just do your research.Know what you're getting into.Listen to two or three episodes before you actually go onto the show.Number two, be prepared.And that goes for virtual and in-person.And part of being prepared is knowing where you're gonna be and how to smoothly execute you driving there or getting there online.And then number three is be engaging.Set the boundaries around you that you need to set so that you can be completely dialed in and completely focused to the interview at hand,'cause you don't get to redo that interview and you don't get to redo the takes.And all of the content that comes from podcasts,like you can get content that you're reusing for years from a really engaging podcast.The only way that happens,if you're able to focus on the conversation,you can't multitask,you can't like hide that you're responding to emails while you're doing a podcast episode and make it engaging and really great that you could use for years,Make it worth your while.Just dive into the podcast episode and be present with it.Don't try to do two things at once.Be professional, and that part goes into also knowing what you're getting into.So what does professional look like for that episode?You don't wanna kind of be too stiff,depending on what the vibe is for the podcast.So know that going into it and what professional means for you as a guest.And then the last thing is follow up after the episode.Simple quick thank you note could be a sentence or two. That was a lot of fun Thank you again so much for having me. That's all it needs to be and that's it Like a bonus thing that I will say it just feels like it needs to be said Being a great guest on a podcast doesn't mean that you share the episode when it comes out This might be like a controversial take but I don't think you are under any obligation as a guest to promote the episode by any means.And I probably need to do a whole episode on this.So I'll just leave this here.But you don't, you don't have to share the episode on your platform, all that stuff.Unless you said that you would,and then you like take that back, I don't know.Like that's a whole gray area.But if you're not under some explicit contractor obligation,you don't owe it to the podcast.That's not, they might make some crappy marketing material that like might not look good on your profile, you know?So that's on them.You're not under obligation.That doesn't make you a bad guest.I'll just say that.I hope this was helpful.I hope you are already a great guest and you heard these things and you're like,"I do all that, cool.Onto the next thing, awesome."But maybe you just want to get more into being a guest on podcast to grow your platform.Implement these tips and let me know how it works out for you.I will catch you in the next episode.